“Meet the neighbours- the joker & the thief”
Oil on cradled wooden panel
30cm round
In every backyard, there are the usual suspects that are always visible. It would be hard to imagine if we were to one day no longer see them.
The humble ringtail possum is often bold as brass and as a result, gets into trouble being caught out in human spaces. Stories of possums stealing from fruit bowls in kitchens and living in roof cavities are common. Luckily they are cute!
With our ringtail is a blue-faced honeyeater. These little birds are noisy and gregarious. We have flocks of these birds on our property and can watch their antics for hours they seem to suspend gravity with their acrobatic displays.
Blocking in the composition.
This work is painted over the edge with a hanging wire at the back.
Progress image of work on the possum.